Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nöbetçi Eczaneler on Google Maps

Nöbetçi eczane listesini google maps üzerinde göster.

For ideas (parsing a website etc.), see a website developed using Udacity's CS 253 course, KickSaver:
The backend is written in Python using the Google App Engine webapp2 framework. It uses BeautifulSoup to parse Kickstarter projects, and Tweepy to publish endangered projects to Twitter a few times each day. The frontend uses jQuery for asynchronous updates and CSS styles from Twitter Bootstrap.
See Udacity Showcase for more projects. A project using google maps api: Caravan Park Advisor

Update 28.01.2013: alpha version is live on appspot. Doesn't do much (just picks the first pharmacy from ) but I learned the following:
* Watched all unit of udacity's Web Development Course. Highly recommended...
* Using python to generate dynamic web pages
* Google app engine
* Google static maps (got the idea from Unit 5, starting with Geolocation)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mute TV or change channel during adverts

Does the TV signal have a special code for commercials? Can we detect it?

Two alternatives:
1. (Easy) The TV volume jumps when adverts start. You can use that jump to identify a commercial started (see comment on Israeli paper below). False positive: An explosion in a movie.

2. (Hard) Write software that has a sound fingerprint database of the first couple of seconds of common commercials which it uses to send mute signals to tv to mute it for a typical advertisement duration.
* Catch probability > 90%
* Should be able to understand that a commercial started within 3 seconds

Arduino based solution:

In Ads, the audio typically pegs the meter, ofting a clear starting point in the 'muting' process. The cadence of the track itself will doubtless offer additional 'clues,' ie.: music/voice ratio, s/n ratio.

The processor must sample your (active) program material periodically, and record a set of average levels. These are then compared to the (new) offending audio track. When the original track returns, it auto restores the signal. This process is so simple that it could easily be incorporated into every new digital TV.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Use rentacoder for ideas

Rentacoder (new name: vWorker) can be used to have an idea what to build. Idea came from this article.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mobile App

Call blocker (black list) for smartphone with community black list (see Call Control)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Insect detector

* Detection:
** Distance sensor: Is it precise enough for insect size/motion (esp. the small silver bug)?
** Trap with infrared LED+photo transistor: When insect passes through tube, detection should happen. Is LED+transistor precise enough for insect sized objects?
** Image processing?

Arduino Simulator


* Virtual Breadboard:
** See demo (includes servo example)
** Has no voltage/current transient behavior (they call it discretes).
** You can check how your algorithm will work

* Simulink SimPowerSystems

* ArduLab
** Spanish

* Labcenter products:
** Proteus VSM for AVR [item 315] (no PCB design, only microcontroller sim for Atmel AVR) = 479$
** Advanced Simulation Features [item 234] (required for transient analysis) = 319$
** Total: 800$

* emulware

* Spice (circuit simulator)

* Circuit playground (not a simulator, it's a basic calculator of electrical stuff)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Zaman ayarlı gaz kesicisi

Sorun: Gaz ocağına yemeği koyup salona dönüyor ve internete dalıp yemeği unutuyorum, yemek yanıyor.

Çözüm: Zaman ayarlı gaz kesicisi yap, zaman dolduğunda gazı kessin.

Teknik sorunlar:
* Gaz şalterini önce aşağı bastırmak, sonra çevirmek gerekiyor.

Dikkat edilecekler (canımızdan olmayalım, durum safety critical):
* Gaz kesicisinin gazı açma olasılığı olmamalı.
* Bir gaz dedektörü de olmalı ki alev sönmüş ancak gaz kesilmemişse uyarı versin.
* Max süre 1 saat olsun çünkü bizim yaptığımız yemeklerin hiçbiri 45 dakikayı geçmiyor.

İleri seviye model:
* Yemek tipini gir, süreyi ve gaz şiddetini sistem ayarlasın.

Hazır ürünler:
Automatical Digital Gas Shut-Off Valve with a Timer
Fire Magic Automatic 3 Hour Timer Gas Safety Shut-off Valve 3090

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sıcak su tazyik kontrolcüsü

Sorun: Sıcak suyu açtığımda tazyiği birkaç dakika boyunca düşüyor, sıcaklığı sabit tutmak için sürekli sıcak su musluğunu daha fazla açmak gerekiyor.

a) Tazyiği ölçecek bir sensör ya da yöntem bul, tazyik azaldıkça musluğu (valfi) aç, tazyiği sabit tut.
b) Mekanik olarak yap (bir çeşit Watt Governor)

Tutorial 09 for Arduino: Wireless Communication