Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nöbetçi Eczaneler on Google Maps

Nöbetçi eczane listesini google maps üzerinde göster.

For ideas (parsing a website etc.), see a website developed using Udacity's CS 253 course, KickSaver:
The backend is written in Python using the Google App Engine webapp2 framework. It uses BeautifulSoup to parse Kickstarter projects, and Tweepy to publish endangered projects to Twitter a few times each day. The frontend uses jQuery for asynchronous updates and CSS styles from Twitter Bootstrap.
See Udacity Showcase for more projects. A project using google maps api: Caravan Park Advisor

Update 28.01.2013: alpha version is live on appspot. Doesn't do much (just picks the first pharmacy from ) but I learned the following:
* Watched all unit of udacity's Web Development Course. Highly recommended...
* Using python to generate dynamic web pages
* Google app engine
* Google static maps (got the idea from Unit 5, starting with Geolocation)